

因為最近要開單字記憶課程,深入研究一個有意思的主題 etymological fallacy(字源謬誤),亦即某個字詞在歷史長流裡具有某種意義,但現今已不再保留那個意思,但某些人還是會拿那個已縱逝的意義來跟當今的意義來比對。


就英文來說,enormity 的紀錄起自十五世紀,源於古法文énormité,義為 extravagance, enormity, atrocity, heinous sin,與「罪大惡極」有關,由於更早一點的拉丁文帶有 hugeness, vastness 的意義,是由 enormis (enormous) 衍生出來的變化形。後來到了十八世紀末期,有許多人把 enormity 拿來當作有(單純的)「大、碩大」之意思來使用。事實上,帶有負面的「極大的惡」(extreme wickedness)是 1560 年左右收錄於字典裡,把 enormity 拿來當成是 enormous 的涵義來使用,已經是被大家認可的用法。經過兩、三百年的演化,enormity 已經逐漸脫離了負面的意思了。


當代著名的英文辭典如 Merriam-Webster 把兩種意思都收入,不過辭典學家們在 Usage 的部份特別說明:


Enormity, some people insist, is improperly used to denote large size. They insist on enormousness for this meaning, and would limit enormity to the meaning 'great wickedness'. Those who urge such a limitation may not recognize the subtlety with which enormity is actually used. It regularly denotes a considerable departure from the expected or normal. 其後列舉了許多語料,例如:the enormity of the task of teachers in slum schools.——J. B. Conant


身兼律師與語言學家的 Bryan Garner 在其著作 Garner's Modern American Usage 中將「enormity 的意義誤解為 immensity 」的語言指標列為第四級:"Ubiquitous but ..."(雖然是搞錯了,不過隨處可見)。我認為,Garner 自己的想法似乎是比較保守一點的,他進行討論一開始就引用 OED 所說的:


recent examples [of enormity for enormousness] might perhaps be found, but the use is now regarded as incorrect.


不過他也提出,這個字的語用證據確實顯露出一種時代的趨勢,使得這個字的意義帶有 monstrous wickedness 的意義,但是次要衍伸出來的意義(hugeness, immensity)從不曾真正消失過。Garner 甚至為這種「文字糾紛」,自己造出一個新詞 skunked term


When a word undergoes a marked change from one use to anothera phase that might take ten years or a hundredit's likely to be the subject of dispute. Some people (Group 1) insist on the traditional use; others (Group 2) embrace the new use, even if it originated purely as the result of word-swapping or slipshod extension. Group 1 comprises various members of the literati, ranging from language aficionados to hard-core purists; Group 2 comprises linguistic liberals and those who dont concern themselves much with language. As time goes by, Group 1 dwindles; meanwhile, Group 2 swells (even without an increase among the linguistic liberals).


A word is most hotly disputed in the middle part of this process: any use of it is likely to distract some readers. The new use seems illiterate to Group 1; the old use seems odd to Group 2. The word has become skunked.


話說回來,若以學習與記憶的觀點來看,大致知道一下爭議點為何,然後把enormity 的核心意義(great wickedness)與衍生意義(greatness, vastness; a thing of huge size)都記住,我們應該就不會被捲入這場文字戰爭之中了吧。



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