


1. ____ me, everyone was exhausted.

(A) Except   (B) Except for


2. Mandy answered all the questions ____ the last one.

(A) except   (B) except for


如果我沒記錯,應該是四年八個月之前,曾有學生拿類似的問題來問我。大部份同學對於 besides except 的差易比較沒有問題;這位同學則是在寫作文時遇到 except except for 的兩難,不知該寫哪個才好。他告訴我,學校老師在上課時舉了很多例子來說明 except except for 的差異,但是他聽不大懂,全忘了。




古早的區別法:except 用於「排除同一組東西當中的一個或多個」,而except for 用於「針對原來的句義內容進行細節修正」。例如:


There is nothing to indicate the building's past, except for the fireplace. (CALD3)


His composition is well written except for a few spelling mistakes.



延伸繼續談,except for 在句義補充的擴充,結構上就變為 except that+clause。例如:


The area looks very much like the state of Iowa, except that it is surrounded by beautiful snow-covered mountains. (LDOCE5)


但是當今語用學家都發現 except except for 已不存在上面的區別,換言之,當代英語的 except (for) 可省略。但 L. G. Alexander Longman English Grammar一書中特別提出:...we cannot use "but" and "except" as preposition without "for" to begin a sentence. 也就是放在句子開頭的 But for, Except for 仍然不可省略。


Except for a few years in the early sixties and seventies, inflation has been a continuing feature of American life since World War II. (LDOCE5)




可是,except for 若帶假設語氣「要不是...;若非...」,並非上面所提到的「除了...以外」,for 也不可省略,例如:


She would leave her husband except for the children.

    except word usage

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