







I wept like a child. It was not because I was overcome at having survived my ordeal, though I was. Nor was it the presence of my brothers and sisters, though that too was moving. (Nor/Neither形式) I was weeping because Richard Parker [the tiger] had left me so unceremoniously. What a terrible thing it is to botch a farewell. (感嘆句形式) I am a person who believes in form, in the harmony of order. Where we can, we must give things a meaningful shape. For example---I wonder---could you tell my jumbled story in exactly one hundred chapters, not one more, not one less? I'll tell you, that's one thing I hate about my nickname [Pi], the way that number runs on forever. It's important in life to conclude things properly. Only then can you let go. (only加上作者欲加重語氣的部份) Otherwise you are left with words you should have said but never did, and your heart is heavy with remorse.

——from chapter 94 of Life of Pi, a novel by Yann Martel


我像個孩子一樣哭泣,不是因為終於熬過磨難而感到情緒崩潰——雖然我的情緒的確激動不已——也不是因為我的手足(發現 Pi 的人)出現——雖然那個情景同樣令人動容。我哭泣是因為理查帕克毫不留情地離開我;道別的形式如此拙劣,真是一件糟糕的事情。我向來是個相信形式、相信和諧秩序的人。只要有可能(去做之處),我們就該給每件事物一個有意義的形狀(應該要具有意義的某個樣子),比方說——我很好奇——你能否把我這毫無條理的故事用剛好一百個章節,不多也不少地講完?我告訴你,這就是我何以討厭我的綽號 Pi的原因——這個符號永遠無法整除。生命中要把每件事情妥當完成、了結是很重要的,唯有如此你才能鬆手,否則你就會永遠都有該說卻未說出口的話,你的心會充滿懊悔。


He [Adam] succeeded in getting rid of God entirely from himself. God, in His mercy, remained within Adam enough to continue to keep him essentially alive, moving, thinking, feeling and exercising free will. But all of those functions came to be impaired, and Adam began to die. He also began to sin even more, because his free will have become distorted.


And therefore began the hunger (承接上文的倒裝;therefore為一種preceding adverb), a hunger that has now lasted for millennia, a hunger that consumes our entire race. We hunger to regain the life that is the breath of God. Life---real life---is actually God. We call Him the "Giver of Life," and what He gives is Himself, His actual presence. If you have life at all, even incompletely, then you have God within you.

——A Man Fully Alive, by Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick






The night grew colder, and it began to rain as midnight approached. Hail fell and clattered against their armor, and still they did not move. Then there came another warrior (表示位置的 there 所構成的倒裝,主詞與動詞倒置), tall and stooping, his cloak flapping in the fierce wind. He, too, was armored, through his cuirass was inlaid with gold and silver (副詞語所構成的倒裝,以被動語態表現出狀態), as were the helmet and greaves he wore (asthan所構成的比較形式).

——Troy: Lord of the Silver Bow, by David Gemmel




It was the head of a veritable sea monster, huge and hideous. The head was broad and flat like a frog's, with two small eyes right at the sides, and a toadlike jaw which was four or five feet wide and had long fringes drooping from the corners of the mouth. Behind the head was an enormous body ending in a long thin tail with a pointed tail fin (副詞語所構成的倒裝) which stood straight up and showed that this sea monster was not any kind of whale.

——Reader's Digest




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