A Profound Quote from Alberto Manguel
台灣變質的教育制度下,學生把讀書看做是耗費精神腦力的一件事,天天得應付各種大小考而不得不念書,甚至是一種追求功名的手段而不得不努力去讀。事實上,讀書應該是一件充滿魔力的事情,能夠為一個人開啟不同的眼界,見識到各種多采多姿的世界。阿根廷籍作家 Alberto Manguel 說過下面這段話:
At one magical instant in your early childhood, the page of a book—that string of confused, alien ciphers—shivered into meaning. Words spoke to you, gave up their secrets; at that moment, whole universes opened. You became, irrevocably, a reader.
——Alberto Manguel
string |
(n.) a sequence of similar items |
alien |
(adj.) very different from what you are used to, esp. in a way that is difficult to understand or accept |
cipher |
(n.) a system of scret writing; code |
shiver |
(v.) break into small pieces; shatter |
irrevocabe |
(adj.) not possible to revoke; not able to be changed, reversed or recovered |
universe 一般當成是不可數名詞,指「宇宙」。在這裡用複數 universes ,意指「各式各樣的世界」(a variety of worlds),也就是各種不同的書可以帶給一個人不同領域的景物、知識、氛圍。